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AHA Code of Ethics UPDATED for HYPP - viewed 5744 times PDF Print
Thursday, December 02 2010 00:00

As of 31 December 2009, the AHA Code Of Ethics requires disclosure of known status of the genetic disorders: Cerebellar Abiotrophy (CA), Lavender Foals Syndrome (LFS) and SCID to interested parties of the transaction in all transfers, sales, leases, and breeding arrangements; mare owners of affected foals must notify the stallion owner and cooperate fully to verify that finding.

AHA CODE OF ETHICS UPDATE: Effective: December 31, 2010


SUBJECT: Add Disclosure of Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis (HYPP) to the AHA Code of Ethics

SUBMITTED BY: Comstock Arabian Association

STATUS: Active

Whereas, Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP), is a autosomal dominant, genetic, muscular condition found in stock horse breeds, which can affect Arabian/Stock horse crosses, and Whereas, Affected animals may be rendered unusable and their condition may necessitate euthanasia, and Whereas, Researchers at the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory of the University of California, Davis (UCD) indicate that HYPP affects a significant number of horses every year, and Whereas, Both homozygous and heterozygous affected animals are capable of reproduction, and Whereas, Researchers at the UCD Veterinary Genetics Laboratory have available a DNA test to help determine if a horse is homozygous or heterozygous HYPP affected, and Whereas, The availability of this test has resulted in the voluntary public disclosure of multiple homozygous and heterozygous affected animals, and Whereas, ETHICS 103 in the AHA Code of Ethics and Sportsmanship (EPRB) chapter states:

1. In every situation, the welfare of the breed shall be paramount over all considerations. The best interests of the Arabian horse must be the criterion in all transactions…

5. Members and their employees or agents should be fair and honest in all transactions involving horses and should not make any false or misleading statements concerning horses offered for sale or breeding, and Whereas, A debilitating genetic defect is, by its very nature, detrimental to the Half-Arabian breed, and Whereas, AHA ETHICS 104 of the Code of Ethics and Sportsmanship (EPRB) has previously placed a duty to disclose known SCID carrier status of breeding animals since 1984, and Whereas, It is in the best interest of the Arabian/Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Horse to also educate owners and breeders about HYPP so as to encourage responsible breeding practices;

Therefore, Be It Resolved, That AHA ETHICS 104.7 and ETHICS 104.8, Rules of Conduct, be amended to read as follows:

7. Members shall not offer a horse capable of reproduction for breeding, transfer of ownership, or lease if the horse is known to such member to be a SCID carrier, A Lavender Foal Syndrome (LFS) carrier, a cerebellar abiotrophy (CA) carrier, or to be affected by CA or be a homozygous or heterozygous affected by Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP) without disclosure of that horse’s SCID, LFS, CA, or HYPP status to all parties to the transaction.

8. An Owner of any mare that produces affected SCID, LFS, CA, or HYPP offspring shall immediately notify the stallion owner of a foal’s positive SCID, LFS, CA or HYPP diagnosis and cooperate fully with the stallion owner’s reasonable efforts to verify that finding. (Res. 3-09, Res. 4-09), and, Be It Further Resolved, That if other resolutions at the 2010 AHA Convention are adopted that also amend the language of AHA ETHICS 104, that staff of the Arabian Horse Association shall be empowered to edit for grammar, style and clarity so as to give full force and effect to all such resolutions.